Cromwell Cross Country

Panthers on the Rhode

Last Saturday, September 28, the Cromwell boys and girls took on the Ocean State Invitational in East Greenwich, RI. The team ran through many different terrains to fight for the top spots. The course was sandy, grassy, went through woods, and by the water. Everyone ran their hardest to complete this difficult race.

First race of the day was boys varsity. It was a tough race but the boys fought for the top spots. Dylan Bathrick took 4th overall with a time of 16:36! Following close behind was Patrick Monahan in 16th place, only 21 seconds behind. After Pat was Colin Monahan in 48th, Jason in 118th, Bryce in 129th, Isaiah in 149th, and Colin Early in 170th. These boys took 9th overall out of 45 teams from Connecticut and Rhode Island. Great job boys!

Next race was girls varsity. In first for girls was Taylor Mooney in 25th with a time of 21:19. Taylor finished in the top 30 and earned a medal! Next was Rory in 96th and Sofia in 107th. Soon after was Brianna 151st. Next was Jillian in 218th, and Eva in 228th. These girls packed together and finished overall with 17th place! Congratulations girls!

Up next was JV boys. Fighting for first for Cromwell was Boda and Lucas only 2 seconds apart, but Boda snagged it this time. Only 6 seconds behind was Sean with 66th place. Then came Christian in 71st, Dylan in 110th, and Tim in 128th. Close behind was Pradil in 162nd, then Mahad in 169th, and Rylan in 171st. Then Devin in 182nd, 185th, and Andrew in 192nd. Congrats boys for placing 9th overall! 

Well done to Patrick, Dylan, and Taylor for earning a medal for being a top finisher! Everyone pushed themselves and worked so hard! Congratulations to all the runners!

Molly Went

Teacher vs. Student 5K

May 18, 2024

Upcoming Meets 

10/4/24   -  Woodbury, CT

10/17/24   -   Cromwell High School

Latest Team Results

Shoreline Large Schools

12th Connecticut River Valley Invitational

On Saturday, September 14th, 2024, Cromwell hosted their 12th Connecticut River Valley Invitational. This followed a long week of workouts, putting the team to the test to compete at their home course. All the Panthers worked hard to compete at home, going against many other teams and athletes.

The first race of the day was the boys’ JV, followed by girls' JV, boys' Varsity, and finally girls' Varsity. The course is two laps, going around the fields and the track, all the way to the woods, and back around. The final stretch took place on the track, where every athlete would be pushing to try and get in front of the rest.

The JV boys started the day off great, leading with Lucas W. at 20:42. Following behind was Boda, with a 21:07, gaining a new PR. Following up were both Christian C. and Tim R., who were also gaining new PRs for the race. Devin B., Tristan S., and Pradil V. all had improvements from the scrimmage meet. Mahad K., Rylan L., and James T. were also able to obtain new PRs from this race, proving how much effort all the boys have been putting into the season and continuing to strive for improvement.

Next up for the races was boys' Varsity, leading off with Patrick M., who ran a 16:13 and a new PR by 53 seconds! Following Patrick was Dylan B., then Colin M. who ran a new PR of 17:35. Following after was Bryce F., with a 17-second improvement from Cromwell’s scrimmage. Jason L., Isaiah M., and Colin E. followed behind to make up the Varsity 7. Colin E. and Isaiah M. both made a new PR, while Jason improved by 1:07 compared to the scrimmage. The dedication and work put in by everyone has truly shown its benefits, keep up the hard work!

Continuing the strong day were the girls, both JV and Varsity runners. Jenelis ran a time of 25:18, making a new PR. Then, in the varsity race, Taylor M. leads the girls with a time of 20:33, earning a new PR by 1 minute and 3 seconds. Following up were Sofia S., Rory M., and Brianna J. The three all got new PRs at this meet! Jillian M. improved by 3:54 since the scrimmage and Eva A., improved by 3:00 since the scrimmage! Congratulations to all the girls, continue to keep up the good work!

Lucas Witkowski

Cromwell XC Back On Course

Last Friday, September 6, 2024, the Cromwell boys and girls Cross Country team competed in their first official meet following the scrimmage on August 30th at Cromwell against Avon, Berlin, Hale Ray, and Granby. Cromwell competed in the 35th annual Neubauer invitational at Sheehan High School in Wallingford, CT. This was Cromwell’s second time competing in this race after last year's JV and Varsity boys sweep for 1st for both teams. 

The first race of the day was the boys junior varsity. Leading the pack for Cromwell was sophomore Sean Bomegen who came in 15th with a stunning time of 20:29. Following Sean was fr. Christian in 17th, so. Boda in 23rd, fr. Timmothy in 38th, so. Devin in 48th, sr. Tristian following close behind in 49th, so. Pradil in 51st, fr. Mahad in 54th, jr. Rylan in 58th, fr.  Andrew in 69th, fr. Elijah in 71st, and fr. James in 73rd. Everyone worked so hard and results are showing. Congrats boys JV on earning 3rd place overall!

The second race was the boys varsity. Coming in second overall and first for Cromwell was senior Dylan Bathrick with a beautiful time of 15:04. Just 13 seconds later comes junior Patrick Monahan. Shortly after came senior Bryce Figueiredo in 14th and senior Colin Monahan in 17th. Junior Isaiah Mason placed 21st, sophomore Colin Early came in 37th, and senior Lucas Witkowski placed 48th. These boys worked together as a team to come in second place overall! Nice job boys!

The meet finished up with girls varsity and JV. Cromwell girls had 4 phenomenal runners who have been crushing it! Junior Taylor Mooney came in 10th overall and first for Cromwell with a remarkable time of 20:41. Hard work must run in the family for freshman Rory Monahan who is following in her 2 older brothers footsteps. Rory ran her first official race as a freshman and finished with an impressive time of 23:20 for 34th place. Close behind was sophomore Jillian Morgan in 52nd place and junior Eva Artioli in 57th place. Their unity and determination made them so strong! 

Congratulations to all runners who pushed and persevered through all the hills and grass. Cromwell’s next meet will be on Saturday, September 14th at their home course. Make sure to come out and support all these runners at Cromwell’s 12th Connecticut River Valley Invitational. Big shout out to Coach Joe for celebrating his birthday with the team. Happy Birthday Coach Joe!! Molly Went

Photo by: Nate Raynis

Photo by: Sean Bomengen

Photo by: Nate Raynis

2024 Teacher vs Student 5K race was on May 18th

Cromwell Competes at the Shoreline Conference

This Thursday, October 19th, the Cromwell Cross Country team competed in the Shorelines Championship. For many of the runners, it will be their last meet of the season so each one kicked hard and worked their abilities. The course was at Hammonasset, in Madison, CT. The course went around Hammonasset Park and near the wonderful beaches of Hammonasset. The team has been working up to this meet all season, and each and every runner doing amazingly well.

The team started with the girls' varsity race, each girl putting forth their best effort and running hard. Taylor finished 18th, with a time of 21:15 and making all-conference. Next to finish was Jillian, finishing 45th. Close behind was Molly, finishing 56th, and Victoria, finishing 58th. Eva finished 61st. Each of the racers did amazing, clearly showing the effort they put in throughout the season to make growth and accomplishments.

Next to race was the boys’ varsity team. Each boy ran hard, taking over places and finishing strong. Our first finisher was Dylan, placing 6th with a time of 16:22. Next was Colin M. who placed 22nd, followed by Patrick and Bryce each finishing 25th and 26th. Following behind was Jason, finishing 33rd, and Evan who finished 25th. Soon after finished Isaiah, placing 44th. Each runner had a fantastic race, proving the talent and skills that they built up throughout the season.

To end off the races was the boys’ junior varsity. They each ran hard and strong to prove their capabilities as runners. Finishing 11th was Lucas, followed by Sharan in 13th and Aiden in 14th. Each one of these boys finished under 20 minutes, proving how far they had come from the beginning of the season. Following them was Dylan, placing 17th. Colin and Victor were close behind, placing 19th and 20th. Every one of the runners put in their best effort and race and they all proved it.

For many of the racers, this will be their last meet of the season. Despite this, they each have shown how much they have improved and grown throughout the season. The top 7 runners on the varsity team will be competing in the State meet on Saturday, the 28th.

~ Lucas

Cromwell Runs at First Shoreline Meet of the Season

This Wednesday, September 27th, the Cromwell Cross Country team raced at the first conference meet of the season! They used this opportunity to work hard and push through the course, striving to make constant improvements. The race was at Valley Regional MS in Deep River. The course had the runners race around the fields, travel through the woods, and charge up hills.

The first race of the day was the girl's race. In preparation for the race, the team made sure to stretch and get a long warmup run in, running all the way up to the start of the race. The girls pushed through the race, each finishing strong and competing well.

The second race of the day was the boy's race. The boys ran for 25 minutes before the race, then put up a strong competition throughout. Each of the boys worked hard to push to the end. They worked together, pushing each other further and further throughout the race.

In the end, the team finished strong. Unfortunately, the Harry Geraghty meet was cancelled for Friday, September 29th.


First Time at the Neubauer Invitational for Cromwell

On Thursday, Cromwell Cross Country raced at the Robert M. Neubauer Invitational in Wallingford, CT. This was a fantastic meet and all of the runners proved their capabilities! This course had challenging hills that the runners needed to push through and travel around the fields of Sheehan High School.

The team came first in the JV and Varsity boys races, fighting for those top spots to earn points. The Cromwell team had put in a lot of work before this meet, some making personal season records. Nassyr, Victor, Alex, Sharan, Isaiah, and Colin M. had improved from the previous race. Dylan, Colin E., Bryce, Dylan K., Jason, Patrick, Aiden, and Pradil have new PRs for the boys, and Jillian and Molly have PRs for the girls.

The first race was the girl's JV, with Molly coming in 4th place. She ran strong and smart, earning a top spot as well as the MVP for the team. The second race was girl’s Varsity. Taylor placed 16th and Jillian placed 18th.

The third race was the boy's Varsity. Dylan B. placed 2nd in the race, earning a new PR following was Patrick in 7th. Next for Cromwell was Bryce finishing 14th with Colin and Isaiah following in 17th and 18th. Isaiah earned the MVP spot, securing the win for the team and passing many runners throughout the race. 

The final race of the day was the boy’s JV. The boys pushed through and pushed each other to the end. The Cromwell team had many top 10 finishers, with Nassyr coming in 2nd, Lucas coming 4th, Aiden coming 5th, Alex coming in 6th, and Victor finishing in 7th.

In the end, the team had put together an incredible day. Pushing to the end and securing first in both the boy's JV and Varsity teams.


The Season Is Off and Running at the Stratton Brook Invitational

Cromwell Cross Country raced at the 2023 Stratton Brook Invitational in Simsbury, CT. This was statistically the slowest course of the season yet there were a vast amount of improvements when compared to the 2022 Stratton Brook meet. Each runner had to face and challenge the steep hills of the course, making the course much more difficult.

Despite the challenges the runners had faced, there were still incredible improvements. Victor had a 38-second improvement, Sharan had a 10-second improvement, Colin had an improvement of 2 minutes and 14 seconds, and Patrick had a 2-minute 21-second improvement. On top of this, Tristan had a 7 minute and 17 seconds improvement and Isaiah had a 2 minute 23 second improvement. Nate had a 4-minute 14-second improvement and was the only one who improved from last week, 32 seconds! Taylor, Dylan, Colin, Bryce, Sharan, Victor, and Colin were all under the change average for the meet. 

The first race for our team was the junior varsity race, finishing 3rd as a team. Despite the difficult course, each of the boys had a fantastic race. Jason finished 7th in the race, earning a spot on the varsity team. Nate finished 12th and Aiden finished 23rd, all the top 3 for the boys JV team. 

The second race for the team was the girl's JV race. There were a total of 3 runners representing the Cromwell Panthers in this race, each doing magnificently. Taylor finished 2nd in the race, leading the group. Jillian finished 9th and Victoria finished 20th. All the girls had a strong race through the course.

The varsity team also was phenomenal in their race, placing in 3rd as a team. They were ending the team's races off for the day strong despite the challenging course. Dylan had come 4th for the race and Colin, Patrick, and Bryce came 24th, 25th, and 26th. Each of the boys pushed themselves to their best ability and had an extremely strong race overall.


May, 20th 2023

We beat the rain and had a great morning of running! Check the results and pictures from the race below.

Photos by:  Sue McGough & Abby McGough

Cromwell History Made at State Meet